
Loconet-Checker helps you to manage your Digitrax devices.

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Loconet-Checker helps you to manage your Digitrax devices connected to the LocoNet bus and monitor their behavior.

It ensures that all devices have the correct settings. The key areas of functionality are:
- Smart Configuration of your Command station (DCS100 / Zephyr). Easy to use settings window that allows you to make a change in a flash.
- Configuration of all BDL, PM, DS64 and SE devices connected to your Loconet. The system stores your default settings for future reference and allows you to change the setting of any device instantly. The screen shows the current settings of all devices side by side for easy reference.
- BDL/DS54/DS64/SE/SIGM10 Message viewer. This window displays and counts all sensor and Transponding messages allowing you to see if any boards are not behaving correctly. The system reports how many messages were lost on interrogation.
- Manual sending of any Loconet Message (checksum automatically calculated)
- Background logging all Loconet traffic to disk. This is useful when a problem has occurred with computer based control systems and you need to become the forensic detective.
- Smart Slot monitor that automatically synchronised with the Slot Manager. This monitors any problems with Slot Manager and Computer throttles. It shows also your consisted locomotives. Shows now in addition (if ALM used) the name of the locomotive & Id of the locomotive, the throttle name and the current transponding zone name. The slot monitor has the capability to stop or release all trains and also to allocate all trains defined in the ALM-Database (useful for transponding).

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Stefan Trachsler
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